Could you spell your name, please? in Different Languages. Learn How to Say and Translate
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Could you spell your name, please? in Different Languages: Please find below many ways to say Could you spell your name, please? in different languages. This page features translation of the word "Could you spell your name, please?" to over 100 other languages. We also invite you to listen to audio pronunciation in more than 40 languages, so you could learn how to pronounce Could you spell your name, please? and how to read it.
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in European Languages
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in Asian Languages
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in Middle-Eastern Languages
All Languages | Ways to say Could you spell your name, please? | |
Arabic | يمكن أن تتهجى اسمك من فضلك؟ [yumkin 'an tatahajaa asmuk min fadlika?] | |
Hebrew | תוכל לאיית את שמך, בבקשה? | |
Kurdish (Kurmanji) | Ji kerema xwe tu dikarî navê xwe binivîsînî? | |
Persian | میشه اسمت رو بنویسی لطفا |
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in African Languages
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in Austronesian Languages
Saying Could you spell your name, please? in Other Foreign Languages
All Languages | Ways to say Could you spell your name, please? | |
Esperanto | Ĉu vi povus literumi vian nomon, mi petas? | |
Haitian Creole | Èske ou ta ka eple non ou, tanpri? | |
Latin | Potuisti, quaeso, nomen tuum spargere? |
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