Browse the English Words and Expressions Starting with A. Page 13
- apartment
- apathetic
- apathy
- ape
- aperitif
- aperture
- apex
- aphid
- aphorism
- aphrodisiac
- Apia
- apiece
- apocalypse
- apocalyptic
- apocryphal
- apologetic
- apologetics
- apologia
- apologise
- apologist
- apologize
- apology
- apoplectic
- apoplexy
- apostasy
- apostate
- apostle
- apostolic
- apostrophe
- apothecary
- apotheosis
- appal
- appall
- appalling
- appalling conditions
- apparatus
- apparel
- apparent
- apparently
- apparition
- appeal
- appeal for help
- appealing
- appear
- appear in court
- appearance
- appease
- appellation
- append
- appendage
- appendicitis
- appendix
- appertain
- appetite
- appetizer
- appetizing
- applaud
- applause
- apple
- apple cider
- apple juice
- apple pie
- appliance
- applicable
- applicant
- application
- application form
- applied
- applied linguistics
- applied method
- applied pressure
- applied science
- applied technique
- apply
- apply equally
- apply for a job
- apply the theory
- applying
- appoint
- appointed
- appointed director
- appointed king
- appointed minister
- appointed queen
- appointed secretary
- appointee
- appointment
- apportion
- apposite
- apposition
- appraisal
- appraise
- appreciable
- appreciate
- appreciation
- appreciative
- apprehend
- apprehension
- apprehensive
- apprentice