English Words and Expressions by Category: Travelling and Tourism. Page 1
- abroad
- acclimatize
- accommodation
- adventure tourism
- adventure travel
- aerodrome
- air bag
- airbus
- aircrew
- airfare
- airfield
- airliner
- airplane
- airstrip
- airway
- airwoman
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Ankara
- Antarctic Ocean
- archaeological
- archeological
- Arctic Ocean
- Are you going to take a plane or train?
- Argentina
- Argentine
- arrival
- arrive
- arrive on time
- Athens
- Atlantic Ocean
- autobahn
- automobile
- away from home
- baggage
- Baghdad
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- barque
- beacon
- bed and breakfast
- bedding
- bellboy
- bellhop
- boarding
- boatman
- Bogota
- Bon voyage
- book a flight
- booked
- booked hotel
- booking
- booking form
- bosun
- Brazil
- Britain
- Brunei
- bungalow
- bunk
- bus
- bus service
- bus shelter
- busman
- by foot
- by train
- byway
- cab
- cabbie
- cabman
- camper
- campground
- camping
- campsite
- Can I have a room with a view?
- Can you check the oil, please?
- Can you check the tire pressure, please?
- Can you please take me to the airport?
- Can you show me where it is on the map?
- Canada
- Canberra
- car
- car hire
- caravan park
- caravan site
- carter
- chambermaid
- check-in
- check-in time
- checkout
- checkout time
- checkpoint
- coach
- cockpit
- Colombia
- comfortable hotel
- commuter
- compass
- conductress
- connection